Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Drum roll please

First let me say if I know you in real life and I haven't told you this yet please don't get upset and please don't say anything.

So here it is . . . I am pregnant!!

After last month when we were not trying not to conceive and I kept getting big fat negatives (bfn) (like 5 or 6). I thought it would have been an awesome birthday gift, and I had a ton of symptoms. I was certain that I was going to be pregnant. When I kept getting BFNs Neill and I realized that we were both really sad not relieved in the least bit, just really upset. So we decided we would start trying to conceive (ttc).

So I tempt every morning and then we waited.

Because of how sick I made myself the month before and the fact that I was experiencing fewer symptoms I decided that I wouldn't test until the day my period was due. The night before I started cramping and even had a ting of blood so I figured no baby this month. I took some meds expecting my horrible cramps. That night I researched cramping and spotting as signs of pregnancy, and was pleased to find out they are both really common. So the next morning I took my only preg test with me in to the bathroom and when there was still no flow I decided to test. I wasn't sure I got enough pee out and on it. I was sure that we were going to have to go to the store for another one. But after waiting for what felt like forever the one line appeared and then next to it a second faint line appeared. All I could think was what a friend had told me "A line is a line." So I did a giddy run thing into the bedroom where Neill was to show him. We were both happy and had the hardest time not telling our family during the rest of our visit.

Here are my first preg pictures a week after we found out (wish I would have taken one that day). I am 5 weeks 3 days LMP or 4 weeks 6 days based on ovulation.

Sucking In

Pushing Out

Normal? Wow I can't believe no one has said anything yet.

  • How far along? I am 5 weeks 3 days LMP or 4 weeks 6 days based on ovulation.
  • Weight gain/loss: I was back up to 170lbs Dec 20 at my doctors apt then was 166 on Thur morning then was weighted in at 172 at the doctor :( After the holidays have been 169/168lbs. We will see what the doctor on Friday says is my starting weight.
  • Maternity clothes: Nothing yet, but my bloat belly is sticking out there maybe I will put on my spanks-a-like tomorrow
  • Stretch marks: Just old ones. I really should start lotioning up
  • Sleep: Yes all the time. I think today was the first day that I didn't take a nap.
  • Best moment this week: Finding out, telling my besties, and making plans to tell our parents
  • Movement: cramping and some heartburn?
  • Food cravings: :( nothing out of the ordinary, but I am happy that there are no real food aversions or m/s yet
  • Gender: I think boy, Neill thinks a girl but we haven't given that much thought just happy to know that we made a baby in just one month of trying
  • Labor signs: nope.
  • Belly button in or out: in.
  • What I miss? being able to stay awake in the afternoon/ evening
  • What I am looking forward to: our first appointment where I hope this all really sinks in for us
  • Weekly Wisdom: If you are wanting to get pregnant and are over weight try for a month or two to loss weight before trying because you might just get lucky and conceive the first month
  • Milestones: Finding out that we were pregnant :)