Saturday, November 19, 2011

First baby post 10/22/11

So here it is, my first baby post. I was inspired to have a blog after one of my good friends told me about her trying to conceive (ttc) turned mommy blog. We knew we had some amazing stories from working on our house that would be good to put in a blog, but we did have in mind that one day I would talk about my ttc and then hopefully family life. Well today while showering I was looking at my belly thinking how cool it will be to have a baby in there (instead of fat). Then I did some quick math and realized that if I am not prego by March I will be 27 (or older) when I have my first child! AH freak out time!

I know, I know, 27 isn't that old to have your first baby. In fact you my even think it is smart and maybe I should wait longer (til after I have my PhD perhaps), but this is all relative. Think about it- you probably base whatever arbitrary number you think is right to have kids on just a few variables. For me, my mom's age when she had my older brother is a variable. She was 21 and from the stories it seemed like it wasn't super easy but what first time mother story is. Second variable, my sister-in-law was also 21. With me a little older I could see that 21 is totally doable but not the ideal age. Third variable, my friend Kristen from the aforementioned blog was married at 22 (like me and my hubby) then waited about a year then it took another year to conceive. Now that sounded like a good plan. But her hubs is an engineer so he got a good job right after collage. With Neill's degree he has really had to prove himself and work hard to get ahead, and I am getting my PhD which doesn't really help out the income a whole lot. So we know we need to wait a bit longer, but omg I never thought I would be in my late 20s possibly 30s having babies. And no this isn't the post kicking off our ttc adventure, but in trying to be an active and truthful blogger I thought I would share my freak out with you. What do you think is the right age to have your first child?


Kristin said...

I think the there is never a PERFECT time. There will always be something- money, jobs, school etc. You just have to jump right in and trust that God will provide. I am excited for the things to come for you!

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